Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Google Chrome Operating System - A new thought.

Greeting of peace to you humm'er..^~^

Have you heard about Google's new thought of an Operating System? Well, you might just want to know what it is, then here's an introduction about Google's Google Chrome Operating System. Happy viewing..:)

Next Video..^~^.. >>"Dear Sophie"

Saturday, July 2, 2011

[Facebook Trick] How to share Audio Lectures/Music in Facebook

Greetings of peace.

In this post I want to share to you what I figured out in facebook.

I can actually share my music/audio files and be able to play it.

I'll show you how.

Here's how to do it.

First thing you need to do is to have a dropbox account,
Register me to dropbox!
It won't take much of your time registering, since I joined dropbox I never left it, trust me, these guys are cool and nice.

If you are curious about dropbox I'll show you a video tour about dropbox. Just do not forget to
Register in dropbox here.

After registering, you need to download and install their software for you to enjoy using their service, the software is for the sole purpose of syncing your files on your local folder to your online storage account in dropbox.

After installation you will notice that dropbox made a folder in you computer (but be sure you know where you set the dropbox folder's destination during the installation process.).

If in case you can't find it, do not panic, look at the dropbox icon on the right side of your start menu bar, just right click it and select "Open Dropbox folder", your dropbox folder should appear in a window.

After you know where your dropbox folder is, you will notice that the folders have a small green circle with a check sign, this means that all files inside the folder are correctly synced on your online storage account.

When you see a small blue circle having a circling return arrow sign it means that the Dropbox software is syncing your files to your online storage account in Dropbox.
 Everything you put inside in these folders will be automatically synced in your online storage account in Dropbox (This is the reason why I love dropbox.), you don't need to monitor its uploading process, just drop the files and dropbox software will do the uploading stuff and you can continue with what you're doing, so just sit there and relax and do not worry about having your uploading process to be interrupted, even if the upload isn't done yet and you want to close your computer you do not need to worry about the uploading process, just go ahead shutdown your computer the upload will automatically resume the next time you turn on your computer until dropbox software finished uploading your files. Now isn't that cool?

Now for you to share your audio/music to facebook.

In your dropbox folder you will see a folder named "Public", just paste the audio/music into this folder, and wait for the upload process to finish.

Once it's done, you need to right click the audio/music you pasted on your "Public" folder and select "Dropbox" and then select "Copy public link".

Before you start sharing your audio file in facebook, please be sure that the audio file is done uploading, if you have a slow internet connection, it might take a while or longer before you can start to share the audio file,  if you start sharing the audio file while it is still not yet done uploading, the audio file that you shared on facebook will not play, instead the link will direct you to an error message of " Error (404) ".
Again, please be sure that the audio file is done uploading before sharing it to facebook.

Once copied, access your facebook account and on the facebook status tab, paste the public link and click post. Facebook will post the link to your audio/music file on your profile and news feeds of your friends, and when they click the link, they will be directed to a new page with the audio/music player of Dropbox. Same thing when you wanna share directly to your friend's timeline, just copy the public link and post it in their timeline.

But please observe rules and correct attitudes in sharing your files. Fear God so that we may be Successful.
Peace and Blessings of God be upon the Messengers of God and upon us all.

You might want to read this one "How to send Large files on the web".

"Like" us on Facebook."